How Singapore is Building a Greener Future for Commercial Real Estate

Singapore's commercial real estate, renowned for its iconic skyline and lush greenery, is taking a proactive stance towards environmental sustainability. The ambitious Singapore Green Plan 2030 aims to redefine the city-state's urban landscape by fostering a harmonious blend of modern architecture and ecological responsibility. 

In this article, we'll explore the key objectives of green workplaces or sustainable buildings, their impact on the commercial real estate sector, and the innovative strategies implemented to create a more sustainable and resilient Singapore.

The role of commercial real estate in creating a sustainable future

With buildings accounting for over 20% of Singapore's emissions, the way commercial properties are designed, constructed, and managed can have a profound effect on the environment. Here's how the commercial real estate sector can play a pivotal role in sustainability: 

Adhering to Green/Sustainable building Standards:

Sustainable building Standard

Developers can ensure that commercial properties are built sustainably by following standards like Singapore's Green Mark scheme or international certifications.

Utilising Sustainable or recycled Materials:

Sustainable or recycled Materials

Incorporating eco-friendly materials into construction can minimise the environmental impact.

Aligning with National Goals:

Green Buildings Innovation

By actively participating in initiatives like the Green Buildings Innovation Cluster (GBIC) program, Green Mark Scheme, and Super Low Energy program, commercial real estate stakeholders can contribute to national sustainability targets.

ESG in Singapore: A Catalyst for Business Growth

As sustainability consciousness permeates the global business landscape, Singaporean organisations are increasingly recognising ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) as a strategic imperative. By prioritising ESG, these forward-thinking businesses are positioning themselves for sustainable growth not only within Singapore but also across the broader Asian region.

One of the most pressing ESG issues is climate change. With a growing number of organisations committing to net-zero targets, there is an urgent need for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. This necessitates a comprehensive approach that starts at the workplace. By designing and implementing sustainable workspaces, Singaporean businesses can significantly contribute to achieving ambitious climate goals and enhance their reputation. 

energy-efficient design

Workplace design plays a crucial role in ESG initiatives. By incorporating energy-efficient features, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable materials, businesses can create environments that are both environmentally friendly and conducive to employee well-being. This can include measures such as:

  • Energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems
  • Sustainable building materials
  • Waste reduction programs
  • Green spaces and outdoor work areas
  • Encouraging sustainable transportation options

By prioritising ESG in their workplace design, Singaporean businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, attract and retain top talent, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Examples of sustainable workplace design in Singapore

Simmons & Simmons: A Benchmark for Sustainable Office Design in Singapore

Simmons & Simmons is redefining the standard for sustainable office projects in the heart of Singapore. As Singapore's commitment to green buildings and workplaces continues to grow, the law firm's office stands out as an excellent example of innovation and responsibility. The office interior design showcases sustainable design principles, creating an efficient and human-centric space. 

Integrating abundant greenery, large glass windows, and natural light helps promote a strong connection with nature. Indoor plants and green walls enhance the visual appeal and contribute positively to employees' moods and energy levels while maintaining a commendable environmental footprint. The office further exemplifies its dedication to the environment and sustainability through its diverse work areas and social spaces, which use reused furniture to minimise waste. 

Energy-efficient technologies and eco-certified materials are seamlessly woven into the workspace, aligning with ESG principles. This thoughtful and comprehensive approach to office interior design in Singapore highlights Simmons & Simmons's commitment to creating a functional, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally responsible workplace.

environmentally responsible workplace

Gartner Singapore: A Sustainable Blueprint for Collaboration and Innovation

Gartner’s Singapore office exemplifies how sustainable workplace design can fuel creativity and collaboration while embodying environmental responsibility. The integration of wellness features, such as improved air quality and biophilic design elements, ensure a healthy and calming environment for employees. 

The use of repurposed and recycled materials emphasise Gartner’s commitment to environmental responsibility, reducing costs while minimising the office's ecological footprint. The dynamic layout, which replaced traditional desks with activity-based workstations and a versatile Work Cafe, has helped enhance productivity and blurred the lines between work and relaxation, promoting spontaneous interactions. 

By incorporating elements of Singapore’s vibrant culture alongside Gartner’s brand identity, the office space has become more than just a workplace; it is a vibrant, inclusive ecosystem that resonates with both local context and the company’s core values.

sustainable workplace design

Nutanix: Pioneering Sustainable Office Design for the Future

Nutanix is a leading example of sustainability-focused workspace design, showcasing its commitment to integrating environment and sustainability into its operations. As a forward-thinking enterprise cloud company, Nutanix understands the importance of long-term sustainable practices. Their office in Singapore reflects this ethos through meticulous sustainable design.

To conserve energy, the office features an open-plan layout with meeting rooms, casual discussion nooks, and relaxation zones strategically placed along the perimeter to maximise natural sunlight. Daylight sensors adjust the interior lighting based on external brightness, while occupancy sensors ensure lights are used only when needed. The use of LED fixtures and Energy Star appliances, along with an Advanced Energy Metering System, further enhances energy efficiency.

Water conservation is achieved through low-flow fixtures in washrooms and pantries, which significantly reduce daily water usage without compromising functionality. Waste management practices include recycling 75% of construction waste, using eco-friendly materials like recycled nylon carpets, and promoting green education with signage and booklets. Differentiated bins encourage proper segregation of everyday waste.

Chemical and material management is another priority. The office maintains high indoor air quality with strategic ventilation and low-VOC products. Green-certified cleaning chemicals and dedicated bins for e-waste ensure a healthy environment for employees. Nutanix's office interior design in Singapore is a testament to how modern workplaces can embody sustainable practices while creating a functional and inspiring work environment.

office interior design in Singapore

In conclusion

Sustainability is a critical factor for businesses seeking long-term competitiveness across the APAC region. Adopting green practices not only enhance their environmental footprint but also position them as industry leaders in the emerging green economy. 

If you're interested in integrating sustainability into your business strategy, our workplace design experts can help you develop effective solutions that align with Singapore's sustainability goals.