The ROI of Wellness-Centered Workplace Design

Businesses have started to recognize the potential benefits that can come from prioritising employee health and well-being. But beyond simply creating a pleasant environment for workers, wellness-focused workspace design can have a significant impact on organisational success, leading to improved productivity, employee retention, and an even better brand reputation. In this blog post, we'll explore the ROI of wellness-centred workplace designs and the many ways in which they can benefit businesses and employees alike.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what it means to design a wellness-centred workplace design. Essentially, this approach involves creating a workplace environment that is conducive to employee health and well-being, from the layout and design of the physical space to the policies and programs in place to support workers. This can include things like ergonomic furniture, natural lighting, air purification systems, healthy food options, and wellness programs that encourage exercise, meditation, and stress reduction. 

The Wellness-Centred Workplace Design

While there may be some upfront costs associated with implementing these changes, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the investment. A study by the World Green Building Council found that companies with green buildings, which often incorporate wellness-centred workplace design principles, had a 6% increase in productivity and a 15% increase in employee well-being. In addition, businesses that prioritise employee health and well-being are more likely to see decreased absenteeism and turnover, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

Wellness-Centered Workplace Design

The design of Taikoo’s workspace in Shanghai is open, flexible, and sustainable, with a focus on implementing the latest and most innovative interiors, furnishings, and technologies that promote employee productivity, physical health, and mental well-being. The facility includes third spaces specifically designed for downtime, such as spaces where employees can work out and work simultaneously, as well as meditation rooms for relaxation and rejuvenation during the workday. The "naturalistic" office design concept creates a dynamic, future-oriented workplace while also honouring the firm's history of excellence, as demonstrated by its WELL and LEED certifications.

Employee Health and Productivity

When it comes to employee health and productivity, the connection is clear. Workers who are healthy and feel supported in their well-being are more likely to be engaged, focused, and productive on the job. On the other hand, employees who are stressed, fatigued, or dealing with health issues are likely to have lower performance and decreased job satisfaction. By building a wellness-focused workplace, companies can create an environment that supports employee health and well-being, leading to increased productivity and higher job satisfaction.

workplace wellness design at Taikoo Li Qiantan

The Rubrik office prioritises employee health and productivity by incorporating a host of wellness measures. The office design allows for ample exposure to nature, with natural light, outdoor views, and plenty of biophilic elements such as potted plants and green walls. The building also features spacious open areas for employees to take leisurely walks or engage in outdoor activities. The office includes designated areas that are intended to provide employees with a more calming and restorative experience. These spaces feature ambient lighting, comfortable temperature settings, soothing sounds, and cosy seating options to create an inviting atmosphere for individuals seeking a peaceful break or a moment of quiet contemplation. Furthermore, the office includes nap rooms and nursing rooms to accommodate the needs of all employees, including new mothers.

Talent Attraction and Retention

In addition to improving productivity and employee satisfaction, wellness-focused workplace design can also play a role in talent attraction and retention. In today's job market, many employees are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to work for a company that values their well-being and invests in their health and happiness. By prioritising a wellness-centred workplace design that enables the workforce to make time for fitness with gyms and sports rooms and encourages healthy eating habits with a modern cafeteria,  businesses can attract top talent and keep their employees engaged and loyal.

Wellness focussed workspace design: Work-life balance with gym, daycare, and modern cafeteria

By incorporating thoughtful design and carefully selecting furniture, providing access to charging locations throughout the workspace, and offering a suite of technology tools and amenities, Space Matrix has created a work-life balanced workplace for American Express.  Employees can get more done apart from work with facilities such as a gym, a daycare centre for employees who bring their kids to work, and a modern cafeteria within close proximity to work desks. In addition to having a satisfying work environment the employees also get to keep their health and well-being in check.

Sustainable Practices and Brand Reputation

Finally, sustainability and social responsibility are increasingly important considerations for businesses today. By incorporating green building principles and sustainable practices into their workplace design, companies can reduce their environmental impact and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. This, in turn, can improve their brand reputation and appeal to socially conscious consumers and employees.

workspace to improve wellness

In accordance with WELL requirements, Space Matrix has ensured that all materials used in the construction and maintenance of the Rubrik workspace meet rigorous health and safety standards. To achieve this, we have carefully selected materials that are safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly throughout the office. For example, we have chosen flooring materials such as carpets, chairs, and hard surfaces that have been certified by LEED-approved agencies for safe emission levels. The paints, adhesives, and sealants used in the workspace have also been certified to ensure that they meet VOC content thresholds set by standards. Additionally, we have installed chemical filters in the HVAC units to further control VOC levels within the office.

As the business world continues to evolve, wellness-focused workplace designs will likely become an even more important consideration for companies looking to succeed in the long term. Is your company considering a design overhaul for its workspace as well? Consult with industry leaders in workspace design to build an office space that puts the health and well-being of your workforce at the top of its priorities. Contact us today!